Media Releases


Amsterdam ArenA International and ICSS collaborate to enhance sport safety and security

Amsterdam ArenA International, the consultancy branch of the iconic ‘state-of-the-art’ multifunctional stadium and home of AFC Ajax, and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) have signed a new agreement to enhance safety and security in sport.

In line with Amsterdam ArenA International and its partners’ objectives to develop and enhance new stadia and venues, the ICSS will add its expertise in sport safety and security, including security design and operations, to help safeguard major event organisers and venues around the world.

Acknowledging the importance of effective safety and security standards and best practice as catalysts of venue, sport and social development, Amsterdam ArenA International and the ICSS will proactively exchange their knowledge to enhance and develop training programmes on issues relating to safety and security and training development.

Speaking about the agreement, Henk Markerink, CEO of the Amsterdam ArenA, said:

“Amsterdam ArenA International is pleased to partner with the ICSS, who are recognised as one of the world’s leading sport security and safety consultant.

“The Amsterdam ArenA has developed a sustainable and innovative business model based on a strong foundation of safety and security.

“As a venue which exceeds expectations and creates unforgettable moments of entertainment and fan experiences by using the latest techniques, Amsterdam ArenA International aims to share its knowledge and experience all over the world.

“In partnership with the ICSS, we will be able to combine the highest levels of services and fan-experience with the highest standards of safety and security.”

Heinz Palme, Vice Director General of the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS), said:

“The partnership with one of the most iconic venues and premier consultancy companies in the world underlines the ICSS’s commitment to safeguard major sport events and venues, as well as sharing our knowledge and expertise with significant international organisations working in this field.

“In partnership with Amsterdam ArenA International, our experts at the ICSS will work to enhance safety and security standards in sport and venues around the world by developing cutting-edge training programmes and ensure the highest possible standards of security design and operations within sport.

“By helping venues and major event organisers to develop their technical and operational requirements when it comes to security, this partnership with Amsterdam ArenA International will hopefully provide an important platform for major sport events and venue to save money and avoid investing additional resource when it comes to their security requirements.”