The Sport Transparency Index (Sport T-Index) aims to create the means to independently evaluate and benchmark sport stakeholders (including clubs, leagues, national associations and international governing bodies) in relation to their transparency using universally applicable criteria (designed, tested and validated in conjunction with a broad stakeholder group).
The project, co-implemented by the ICSS through its ICSS Europe, will identify and quantify best practice and enable all stakeholders to improve through the provision of clear and implementable policies, education and training to raise standards.
Sport T-Index is an ERASMUS SPORT 2022, co-funded by the ERASMUS + Programme of the European Union, framed under the EU priority: “A Europe fit for the digital age”.
Partners of the Project are SIGA – Sport Integrity Global Alliance Europe, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Fundacja Institute for Sport Governance (ISG), FEDAS, International Olympic Truce Centre (IOTC), European Platform for Sports and Innovation (EPSI), Federação Portuguesa de Natação (FPN), European Multisport Club Association (EMCA), Universidad De Castilla – La Mancha, Stichting European Football For Development Network (EFDN)
Projects Specific Objectives are:
- Mapping the landscape at European level on sport transparency in order to identify the threats to sport transparency and potential overlapping integrity issues and actors across providers.
- Design and implement a Sports Transparency Index as innovative mean to objectively rank and compare basic transparency levels within sport (namely clubs, leagues, national associations and international governing bodies), in order to enable, facilitate, measure and quantify minimum standards of transparency in sport.
- Create an inclusive mechanism for all sports stakeholders to understand, enhance and implement transparency in sport by raising awareness, creating tangible content to universalise evaluations, delivering inclusive and accessible consultation processes and enabling all actors (established and emerging) to participate through identifying and overcoming barriers to participation.
- Develop a suite of capacity building interventions to promote sport transparency and good governance, through a specific digital learning platform.
- Develop policy recommendations aimed to the promotion of sport integrity and particularly to foster transparency.
- Contribute to the networking and cooperation between public authorities, educational institutions and sport organizations for the promotion of transparency and good governance in the sport ecosystem.
The project has a duration of 30 months, starting from 01-01-2023 and ending on 30-06-2025.