ICSS Journal Vol 1 | No 4

Stadium technology – from access-control innovations to futuristic viewing experiences
Most people have an overwhelmingly positive perception of sport, in its broadest sense. From playing football in the park, to winning a gymnastics gold medal, the skill, effort, discipline and determination involved are seen as good values; and the athletes that dedicate their lives to achieving their best are rightly viewed as role models in society, setting examples for others, particularly younger people, to follow. Yet the world of sport and the world itself is plagued by obesity, a drop in sport participation rates, emotional and bodily harm to children practicing sport, doping and match fixing occurrences and many more troubling contradictions. At the ICSS, we believe that we have to keep shining a light on the darker side of sport, revealing more about what is happening worldwide, even if some of it is unpalatable. The ICSS will keep the light, and the pressure, on – whether in the fields of match-fixing, doping, corruption or human rights in sport – as it is our belief that, together, we can build laws and policies that will improve the game for everyone.
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