Protecting the Integrity of Sport Competition. The Last Bet for Modern Sport
Sorbonne – ICSS Research Programme Protecting the Integrity of Sport Competition. The Last Bet for Modern Sport.
An executive summary of the Sorbonne-ICSS Integrity Report
Sport Integrity Research Programme, 2012-14
The detailed report on the prevalence of match-fixing and illegal betting in international sport by the ICSS and Sorbonne consists of three parts. Firstly it describes the context and forms of the manipulation of sport competitions. Secondly, stakeholder logic and the manipulation of sport competitions are addressed and lastly instruments for combating the manipulation of sport competitions are identified. The key message contained in the report is that the protection of sport is a societal issue linked to attitude and behaviour, and not confined to elite sport. The report confirms the enormous scale of corruption and reinforces the importance of good governance in sports organisations.
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