ICSS and QOC Host Save the Dream Workshop
Media ReleasesMedia ReleasesMedia ReleasesFollowing a request from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Save the Dream organised a full day workshop with senior officials from the region’s National Olympic Committees in Doha. The event was hosted by the Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC).
Dr. Thani Al Kuwari, QOC Secretary General welcomed the participants highlighting Save the Dream’s achievements in Qatar since its launch in 2013. During the workshop Massimiliano Montanari, Save the Dream Executive Director invited GCC National Olympic Committees to join forces with Save the Dream to develop concrete initiatives to promote and protect the core values and integrity of sport for young people.
During the meeting senior officials representing the GCC National Olympic Committees shared good practices developed in their countries to empower youth and communities through sport and its values. The workshop was also an opportunity for GCC National Olympic Committees to be briefed on Save the Dream activities, which includes work in in India, Brazil, Italy, Haiti, Latin American countries and the Mediterranean Basin
Save the Dream presented initiatives to protect children in the context of sport and major sporting events and tabled a concrete proposal for the participation of GCC National Olympic Committees in this area during the XXXI Olympiad taking place in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Representatives were also invited to participate in learning mobility activities Save the Dream is conducting in the Middle East and North African countries.
The participants agreed to explore these and other opportunities for the GCC National Olympic Committees to participate in Save the Dream activities across the globe and to develop joint initiatives in the Gulf region.
Dr. Thani Al Kuwari , QOC Secretary General said:
“This workshop is raising awareness for the need to educate young people about the ethics and values of sport. This is a very important issue and I am glad that GCC National Olympic Committees want to know more about Save the Dream. Young people get inspired through sport, thus it is a huge responsibility for us all to protect them from the threats and dangers that can arise in sport.”
Massimiliano Montanari, Save the Dream Executive Director said:
“The cooperation with QOC has been essential in developing Save the Dream. National Olympic Committees are natural Save the Dream partners as they can inspire young people and beyond to promote and protect the values of sport and fair play. We are glad to extend this cooperative effort to other Olympic committees from the Gulf Region.”
Save the Dream is an initiative of the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) and the Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC), supported by technology partner Ooredoo. Working on a global scale with leading organisations across sectors, Save the Dream implements and inspires activities to empower youth and communities through sport, while promoting inter-cultural dialogue and social innovation through the power of its values.
For more information, please visit its website at http://www.save-the-dream.org/